2023 May Meeting

Scavenger Hunt
The SCAVENGER HUNT was fun for all who RSVP'd to enter.
We started the night in White Plains, at the Southern Maryland Business Center.
We ate delicious wraps and every guest enjoyed a lovely personal charcuterie box. Chef Kendall Selby is so talented, his cooking surely rocks!
36 members and their guests paired in teams of three. Solving clues, and performing tasks riding in Couples Limousines 301 567-2211, in the lap of luxury.
We visited Rucci's to “Pop the Top”, and celebrated at College of Southern Maryland in support of our Foundation's Scholarships for moms and tots.
Then on to AR Workshop LaPlata for colorful shades and snacks, and we walked around La Plata searching for clues from front to back.
Each and every team did a great great job solving ALL the clues and tasks for fun.
The final Crown Trophy & Royal Jester Apparel came down to the winning hand from the secret Poker Run!
Thank you to the Program Committee that planned this great event. We appreciate the hard work and interactive content.
Ladies coming together for friendship, charitable actions, and goodwill
That’s easy for all.... as it’s the mission of SMWL!